Monday, July 9, 2012

Making Time For Friends

Over four years have passed since the movie Sex in the City came out at the theater and today I finally watched it.  I sat with a cup of coffee this morning and turned the TV on and lucky me, the movie was just beginning.  As I watched the movie I noticed I was crying quite often.  Sure, I am in an emotional time of month for women but I do not want to avoid my feelings.  I paid closer attention to when I was crying and it was always around the time when the women supported each other. I don't know the last time I gathered around a table or living room with a group of my girlfriends talking about life.  To be honest, I don't think it has happened since I was 14 years old.  What happened to my life?  I married and two sons later I was sitting home on the telephone with my friends.    

Exercising and losing weight is making me feel younger every day.  I find these feelings make me want to hang out with my girlfriends more often.  When we were teenagers, we gathered around and talked about boys, much like the ladies from Sex and the City. However, when the four women each found a man to love, minus Samantha who found the love of her life was herself, the movie ended with the girlfriends still together, hanging out, living happily ever after.  What better way to end the movie? 

So why do some of us live out our fairy tales without our girlfriends? 

My mom came from a big family so friends did not seem so important.  Though she did have friendly neighbors, she has lost contact with them after she moved out of the neighborhood.  She regrets not having friends now that she is retired and not married.  I have heard some women say their husbands are their best friends.  Sure, I feel that way too but I firmly believe we need our girlfriends.  I work in a retirement home full of women who have lost their husbands and I don't know what they would do without each other.  They breath life into one another and they live well into their 90's.  I decided to go full time recently. I work with six to seven women as well as the women I take care of.  Along with being on my feet all day, which is good for my body, I get girl time for eight hours a day.  I wonder if this is the reason I decided to go full time?  Could girlfriend time be that important?  

*4.6 pounds to go before I reach my number one goal!  To see my goals, read My Story in the month of June:)

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