Friday, June 15, 2012

Simply Losing Weight

My last weigh in was June 13 at a 17 pound weight loss.

Over a month has went by since I began to take my health serious.  It has been a long journey getting to this point in my life.  I don't believe I could have made it if it weren't for my health problems and being properly treated by a Doctor.  My Doctor adjusted my medication and I no longer feel the anxiety that drove me to eat unhealthy.  Also, I have become dedicated to exercise most days.  I feel optimistic about losing weight.  I want to stress the issue of seeing a Dietitian.  I have been on many diets in the past and I know all too well what a "diet" feels like.  I was always searching for the "magic" diet that was going to change my life forever.

Seeing a Dietitian has helped me gain insight to a life long journey of eating healthy.  There are no magic pills, no easy way out and no complicated plan that exercises our need to control our food.  Simply eat healthy and exercise 80% of the time.  My Dietitian said to me, "I want you to be a B student."  I found this to be liberating because I have always been either perfect or imperfect; eating junk food or eating healthy food, drinking water or drinking pop. My black and white thinking has left me crippled.  It's time to let go of perfectionism and get serious about a healthy lifestyle.  There are no bad foods, only bad thinking about food.

I don't know about you but whenever I thought about going on a diet, the anxiety would build up because I felt I needed to be perfect all the time.  I decided to blog about my journey as I want others to be encouraged to let go of an unhealthy lifestyle and black and white thinking.  The journey to eating healthy is simple.  Ask yourself, "Is simple good enough for me?"  I highly suggest seeking a Dietitian.  However, I am going to share everything she has shared with me.

Begin by setting a weight loss goal of 10% of your total weight.

80% of the time choose...

  1. High fiber (they fill you up), low fat foods.  Fruits and veges are high in fiber and low in fat.
  2. Whole wheat products, in the morning with dairy or protein and perhaps fruit.
  3. Your plate should be 1/2 veges and fruit, 1/4 protein, 1/4 carbohydrates for lunch and dinner.
  4. Know when your hungry.  Hunger grows, false hunger hits you suddenly, usually with something specific in mind.  Eat when your hungry, even if is an hour before bed (I eat fruit).
  5. Exercise

Please, if you have any questions, ask.  


  1. Im proud of you and im glad youre willing to share your info...i know god will use your journey to help other food addicts out me :-)

  2. Thank you Cuz! I'm so ready to stop playing around. I'm 36 and feel 56...hell no! Its time!

  3. I recently talked with a friend that said, "Exercise 80% of the time???" Well, yes, that is the goal but any exercise is great! It was suggested to me that I begin with 10 minutes, twice a day or 140 minutes of exercise a week. I've been exercising 3-4 times a weeks, 30 minutes each. I am not quite there yet but I am losing weight steadily.
